
作者: ISACA现在
发表日期: 2023年10月5日

How are professionals supposed to keep up with the volatile tech landscape?

IT, 网络安全, 隐私, 风险, 审计 and related digital trust professionals are looked to for the latest knowledge and insights on the impacts of emerging technology; however, they must have reliable resources to ensure they have updated and accurate information about these topics. As AI and other technological innovations transform the digital landscape, IT专业人员必须迅速适应, 自我教育,验证自己的知识. 获得IT认证可以帮助他们做到这一点.

根据行业数据, 证书有助于竞争激烈的工作申请, 增加收入潜力, 并跟上最新的IT趋势. Professionals who earn IT certifications will more likely be prepared for transitioning to a new role or industry, taking the next step in their career and sharpening in-demand skills and best practices.

Will IT certifications increase your opportunities for employment?

In addition to building and refining professionals’ essential knowledge for careers in IT, 网络安全, 隐私, 风险, 审计, governance and related fields with the latest information available, 认证也向雇主表明了这种专业知识. 在很多情况下, IT certifications will differentiate you from other applicants vying for the same role by acting as 质量的外部度量标准 招聘领导者所看重的. Some employers even require certifications as a qualification for certain roles because of the credibility and validation of expertise, 他们展示的技能和知识. This increase in marketability produces a competitive edge over your peers and emphasizes your commitment to your professional development and continued education.

根据… Lightcast最近的报道, 在劳动力市场分析和见解方面的独立权威, 与认证相关的技能在就业市场上需求量很大. 有关ISACA的可堆叠技能 资讯科技注册助理(ITCA)证书, 比如数据伦理和DevSecOps, job demand is expected to increase by 100%-250% over the next five years, 仅2022年就发布了1200万个与itca相关的工作岗位. 对于需要 通过新兴技术(CET)相关技能认证—including 15% of the total US labor job market demand and 67% of 网络安全 engineer job postings—demand is expected to increase 450% for AI skills, 230% for cryptocurrency skills and 90% for cloud computing security skills over the next five years.

ISACA的年度网络安全状况2023调查 report found that 87% of professionals view credential-holders as the most qualified for open positions, and that 74% are more likely to hire a candidate with a Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) certification over a non-certified candidate.


证书可以 提高你的总薪酬 在几个方面, 包括via奖金, higher salaries and enabling your qualification for higher-paying job roles. By providing the fundamental skills that so many IT-related jobs require, earning certifications expands job opportunities and professional possibilities for upward mobility. Companies are often willing to offer pay premiums when they feel the credential you hold is beneficial to the overall organization.

According to expert David Foote, chief analyst and co-founder of Foote Partners, LLC, 证书持有者的薪水正在上升. “新的高度验证的数据来自4,200 employers in our long-running IT Skills and Certifications Pay IndexTM (ITSCPI) reveals that the average cash pay premium for 606 IT certifications has risen in three of the last four calendar quarters, 目前获得的证书相当于6.基本工资的6%. Even better, for the 137 IT security certifications reported, it is a whopping 8.3 percent for those lucky enough to work for an employer willing to pay you a premium for your certification.”

Lightcast’s data found salary premiums for CET-related and ITCA-related skills reaching as much as US $15,000美元和30美元,000, 分别. Skillsoft的 IT技能和薪酬调查, 每年有成千上万的IT专业人士参加, illustrates just how lucrative earning certifications can be for an IT-related career. 根据2022年的调查结果, the top three highest-paying certifications were: 1) AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional at US $168,000; 2) Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) at US $162,000; and 3) Google Cloud – Professional Cloud Architect at US $161,000.

Where do you start earning the best certification for your career?

You can determine which certifications you qualify for based on your specialization, 工作经验和先验知识. 不同的培训资源, educational courses and exam preparations exist for every industry-recognized credential, and there are certifications available for professionals at every point in their career, 包括应届毕业生, mid-career professionals looking to move up the executive ladder and those who are braving the transition to a new career field. Lightcast found that CET and ITCA certifications aid in career agility and advancement.

Even academic programs are beginning to include certifications in their curricula, offering their learners the chance to kickstart their careers early. 学术合作伙伴 through ISACA provide students with job-aligned training and leverage access to a global network of IT professionals and mentors. Institutions are increasingly seeking certification-enhanced curricula as a method to elevate their prestige, stand out in a saturated industry and impart students with unique and influential opportunities and skills to begin their professional lives.

那么,获得it认证是否值得呢? The employment opportunities, pay premiums and up-to-date, specialized education point to yes. 您是否刚刚开始您的IT之旅, seeking to polish your existing skills or looking to expand your professional horizons, certifications can pave the way to the next step on your career path.