Eight Things NOT To Do When Preparing for the CISA

Chidambaram Narayanan, Chartered Accountant, CISA, Azure 网络安全 Architect Expert (SC-100)
作者: Chidambaram Narayanan, CISA, Chartered Accountant, Azure 网络安全 Architect Expert (SC-100)
发表日期: 2024年2月16日

踏上 注册资讯系统审核员(CISA) 旅程? Congratulations on taking a step toward enhancing your information systems 和 cybersecurity prowess! 然而, before you delve into the world of audit trails 和 security frameworks, let's take a light-hearted detour through the l和 of what 准备CISA考试时要做的事情. 虽然笑可能不是最好的学习辅助, a dose of humor can certainly make the preparation process a tad more enjoyable. And t在这里 might just be a few things you can take from this blog post that will prove useful.

As you buckle up for this rollercoaster of information systems knowledge, we present a satirical guide filled with the kind of advice that, 在现实世界中, 你最好还是忽略它. From procrastination tactics that would make a sloth raise an eyebrow to relying on luck that would make a leprechaun blush, 我们都有了. So, 拿起你的笔记本, writing implements 和 a pinch of salt as we explore “Eight Things Not to Do When Preparing for the CISA.”

8. 拖延游行:

  • Put off studying until the night before the exam.
  • Marvel at the sheer volume of knowledge you should’ve acquired but didn't.

7. 睡眠被高估了:

  • 考试前开夜车.
  • Show up looking like a caffeinated zombie, ready to tackle those complex IT governance questions.

6. 幸运猜测:

  • Rely on pure luck to answer multiple-choice questions.
  • Forget knowledge; bring out the rabbit’s foot, lucky socks, 和 maybe a four-leaf clover. 运气可以征服一切,即使是复杂的审计概念.

5. 高级心理体操:

  • 仔细思考每个问题.
  • Develop advanced/creative theories about the true meaning of the exam questions, 这些说法都不正确.

4. 使用过时的学习材料:

  • 信息时代就像美酒,对吧? Dust off those ancient study guides; information systems 和 technology have totally remained the same since 2005.

3. 模拟考试:

  • Skip the practice exams; you’re a certified expert in your own mind. 模拟考试是为普通人准备的.

2. 盲目的记忆:

  • Don’t bother underst和ing concepts; just memorize jargon 和 acronyms without context. Who needs comprehension when you have flashcards?

1. 混淆“ISACA”和“ISA Cakewalk”:

  • ISACA的发音是Is-a-cakewalk-a.“因为这就是考试,对吧? 小事一桩.


当我们结束这个轻松的指南, let it be a friendly reminder that the 旅程 toward CISA certification is a substantial commitment – one that warrants genuine dedication 和 effort. While this humorous advice might hopefully elicit a chuckle, it’s crucial to underst和 that these antics are 不 the recipe for triumph 在现实世界中.

对于那些认真追求CISA的人, consider this guide as a promise—an assurance that success is attainable with the right approach. Use it as a reverse compass, steering you away from potential pitfalls. 养成一贯的学习习惯, treasure the insights gained from practice exams, 深入研究这些概念的复杂性, 保持学习材料的更新.

但不要止步于此. Deepen your knowledge by seeking additional resources, 探索现实世界的案例研究, 和, 如果可能的话, 获得实践经验. 与其他有抱负的人合作; a shared 旅程 can illuminate perspectives you might have missed alone.

So, 献给所有有抱负的CISA冠军, 你的学习可以集中注意力吗, 你的模拟考试很有启发性, 你的理解力深刻. 这段旅程可能会遇到挑战, but as you navigate the intricate l和scape of information security, 记住:你能行的. Good luck, 和 may the CISA odds be ever in your favor!

Here are some helpful links to get you going on this 旅程 (you’re welcome!):

  1. ISACA官网:
    Check the official ISACA website for valuable resources, blogs, 和 updates related to CISA: ISACA官方网站

  2. ISACA博客:
    Explore the ISACA blog section for articles, insights, 和 updates: ISACA博客

  3. CISA认证信息:
    了解CISA认证的具体细节, 包括考试细节, study resources 和 information about an upcoming exam content outline update, visit the official CISA page on the ISACA website: 中国钢铁工业协会认证

  4. ISACA参与平台:
    Swap certification exam prep insights with other past 和 current certification c和idates on ISACA’s 参与 platform: 参与

编者按:This year, the CISA certification is undergoing a job practice update. The CISA exam will reflect the new exam content outline (ECO) beginning 1 August, 和 updated exam prep materials will be available 1 May. The new exam reflects an update that considers innovation 和 evolving technologies related to the IT audit professional role. 了解更多 在这里.
